Re-entry is a long, arduous journey. You can become bogged down and get stuck in the muck and mire and lose sight of the big picture. Knowing your why for re-entry can help you stay motivated and focused on the end goal. It requires endurance and spiritual fortitude as you persevere and become more resilient.
Visualize yourself hurdling forward into your new season of normal.
Let’s walk through the course together to see the placement and identify each known and expected hurdle leading you to the finish line. This gives your minds a mental map of the course to direct you toward and cross the finish line.
Starting Block: Deciding to Leave
Hurdle #1: Finishing Well
Hurdle #2: Saying Healthy Goodbyes
Hurdle #3: Rootlessness
Hurdle #4: Arriving Well
Hurdle #5: Transitional Stress
Hurdle #6: Grief & Loss
Hurdle #7: Impact on Personhood
Hurdle #8: Reintegrating & Acclimating
Hurdle #9: Purpose & Role
Hurdle #10: Well-being & Wholeness
Finish Line: Settled – rooted in community, living in purpose, belonging, etc.
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