Winter Blast…
Brr. It’s cold outside. Winter is not a favorite season for many people, but I love winter. There is a beauty in the dormant, snow covered, and coldness of winter that embraces and permeates us to the depths of our bones. It reminds me of the Lord’s love that embraces and permeates us to the depths of our heart and soul. The snow brings a smile to my face as I delight in the quietness, calming, beautifying, and a slower pace. Recently, I was talking with someone in Louisiana who was going to be making a snowman and snow angel with his granddaughter. What playfulness and awe to experience the Lord’s beauty.
Community is so important to our lives that even the Lord noticed how alone Adam was in the garden that He made Eve. It is where you are seen, known, and find belonging. It has been something I have prayed for, asked you all to be praying for, have sought after in the one church where I had attended and wrestled with why I could not find community locally. In the spring of 2024, I felt the Lord release me from that church to start the process of looking for a new church and find community. I found a church that welcomed me in a way that I’ve never been welcomed…as being Shannon, nothing else. I thought this might be the church and as I began to become more involved sadly it did not meet my need for community. I shared with a few people about my unmet need and one person said that I need to put myself into a position where I can find community. Resistant at first because that would mean I’d have to look for another church which is hard, the Lord in His goodness led me to a church that has many options for small group involvement. I signed up for a home group and started attending some evenings last October and November. The host couple for my group was very welcoming. Now until April my home group and another home group have joined together. A welcomed surprise creating an opportunity for me to get to know more people. I have really enjoyed getting to know some women in the home group. Thank you for your prayers for local community and continuing to pray as I build connection and relationship in this local community.
Being known is something that all human beings long for and are in search of. It is woven into our DNA wiring to be known by our Creator. Being known brings connection, intimacy (in-to-me-you-see), safety, and security. It is being face-to-face, longing for eye contact because of our longing for connection. Caring for a missionary who is grieving the loss of a beloved grandmother. Understanding the “aloneness” she feels in the midst of grieving because of her not being with family to grieve together, how disconnected she feels. Grief is intimate. The Lord’s compassion, grieving with her. He invites her to intimacy with Him and with some missionary friends nearby.
We have around 30 women who have joined our women’s leadership cohort to learn about Scriptural Perspectives on Personhood and Purpose. There are eight presenters who are speaking from their field of expertise and eight weeks of discussing in small groups the insights, ideas, and experiences the women have as co-learners on a similar journey.
Here is the vision I have for 2025:
1) Provide a safe place of care for 500 ministry workers to grieve their losses freely. 2) Equip and train 5 churches for clarity in their role and responsibilities along with the tools to care well for their missionaries. 3) Provide life coaching for five people to move forward that is best for them in a season of transition by the end of December 2025…and I can’t do this alone. Will you join me?
Use your skills to advance the Kingdom of God:
- Join my monthly support team.
- Host an event in your home, church, or business.
- Invite other churches, businesses, or personal contacts to give.
I would love to come and speak at your next special gathering, event, retreat, or conference with tailored meaningful and engaging conversations that deeply resonates, leaving you ready to take your next right step. Three goals I have are 1) evoke awareness, 2) equip you with tools to use in ministry and personal life, and 3) create space for connection and growth. Let’s collaborate and together be a catalyst for connection and growth.
Transition coaching is my sweet spot. It allows me to engage in my two-working genius, enablement (how can I help you) and discernment (gut instincts with curiosity- questions). The client tells me what they want to think about during our session and what their hope or expectation is as we conclude our time together. I get to come alongside them and partner with them in the thinking by asking questions that will evoke new awareness or insight. Asking them at the end what are the action steps that they want to take to move toward their desired goal. I recently had a client I worked with who shared that he is in a transition and wanted to hear from an outside voice, a different perspective. The Lord gave him new insight and awareness of something he had not thought of before plus language to use around this new insight with family and friends. Before we finished, he had several action steps to take with him. My favorite part that I delight in is when this new insight or awareness comes to light, and you ask the client to sit with it for a minute and take it in. The words I hear are, “Wow.” “Ahh.” “Mind blowing.” And sometimes I hear gasps, amazement, and awe. Such an honor to be a part of the process.
“What do you want me to do for you?”
Jesus asked him.
Praise the Lord for my home group, building connections!
Praise the Lord for snow!
Praise the Lord for 2025 funding coming in of $9,000 this month!
Praise the Lord for coaching!
Pray for 2025 fundraising campaign - $5,900 still needed to reach $45,000.
Pray for Women’s Leadership Cohort on Wednesday mornings.
Pray for ABWE Cohort Jan. 23rd.
Pray for the care of staff at Water Street Mission Jan. 30th.
Pray for BCM Peru missionaries as they minister in camp ministries January and February.
Pray for the students of TCK Connect to feel seen, heard, and connection.
Contact Information:
Donate Online! (Follow the prompts)
Mail Checks:
World Outreach Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box B
Marietta, GA 30061
(Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)
Bill Pay: free option via your online banking
(Use the same information for checks)
Shannon Eaton
107 Old York Rd Apt 5
New Cumberland, PA 17070
(724) 967-1437
Are We There Yet? Navigating Re-Entry
Donate Online! (Follow the prompts)
Mail Checks: World Outreach Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box B Marietta, GA 30061 (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)
Bill Pay: free option via your online banking (Use the same information for checks)
Shannon Eaton
107 Old York Rd Apt 5
New Cumberland, PA 17070
(724) 967-1437
Are We There Yet? Navigating Re-Entry
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