A good metaphor for finishing well is a runner in a relay race. Passing the baton needs to be intentional and precise. It’s not only how well you have run your portion of the race, but also about successfully handing the baton off to the next runner. This is a critical and intricate transition on moving forward with momentum. If you drop the baton during the handoff, you and your team are disqualified. It is never individuals that win the race – it is the team that works together and trusts each other that win the race.
The assignment in your host country is ending, and now, you are handing your ministry responsibilities to those who follow. Often this is another person. Sometimes there is no one to hand off your responsibilities in which case you must pass the baton on to the Holy Spirit to continue the work.
Closure is simply closing out your leg of the race. You have released it, and it has released you – passing of the baton – so that you are free to move into the next assignment God has for you.
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