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Re-Entry: Well-Being & Wholeness


Each time we travel on an airplane the flight attendants will say, “In case of an emergency and the cabin loses pressure, the oxygen masks will come down. First put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping children and other adults.” Even though this is important, how often do we follow this advice or warning for our lives.


In transition our solid footing becomes like sand beneath our feet that always seems to be shifting and it can take a very long time, years even, to feel like our feet are finally on solid ground once again. Why does this happen? Our common stress that we manage daily binds to transitional stress that accompanies us in transition and the two together make the perfect storm. Let’s say our common stress level is around 200, now combine that with transitional stress level of around 600, we have a new stress level of 800 that we are now living with and trying to navigate and manage. Stress affects all areas of our well-being and wholeness. When our stress levels go up our capacity levels go down. There also seems to be higher demands and pressures upon us when we are in a season of transition.  With lower capacity levels we are not able to bring our whole self into the decision, relationship, etc. because we have either used up our reserves or have very little left. Plus, our emotional needs are also heightening since they are not being met in the usual ways when we are not in transition. 


Being good stewards of our well-being when we are not in a season of transition will help to build up more reserves for when we encounter our next season of transition. 


How do you steward your well-being when amid the throes of transition?

How do you perceive transition? It can be a small mind shift, a change of perspective that can make a small impact for your well-being and wholeness. Transition is a gift for your journey to wholeness. It is an opportunity to bring all the pieces of who you are, your whole self and give them to God for him to work his transformation in you. One of the first steps is calling things hard when they are really hard. Naming and acknowledging the hard gives you permission to be human and permission to name the losses, the desires, and the expectations to then be able to deal with it. When you do not call it hard, you end up pushing through it quickly or ignore it or avoid it altogether and you miss out on the greatest gift, your spiritual growth and transformation.


Who are you staying anchored to during your season of transition?

Another way to ask this question is, what are you entertaining yourself with? What we entertain ourselves with is who or what we are worshipping – our anchor. 


As a believer in Jesus Christ, who is your sure hope that makes you firm and secure because he is your anchor. Staying anchored is done through the spiritual practices such as reading the Bible, The Exam, silence, lamenting, celebrating, gratitude, worship, beauty, and so many more. Those practices can look different in each season of transition, but because you know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever that he keeps his promises because he is faithful and true. You can take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of you because he is your anchor – your shalom in the storm of transition.


Transitions are not meant to be done alone. They are meant to be shared and mutually carried by other safe people who God sends your way. Who are your people in this season of transition? Let the Are We There Yet? Navigating Re-Entry’ Facebook group be your people as you journey re-entry towards well-being and wholeness.


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