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March Newsletter


Happy Easter!

In a planning meeting with my colleagues to talk about doing a webinar on transition we talked through the audience, date, and time.  Later, I would give them the webinar summary to advertise it on social media, website, and email list. In order to come up with the title of the webinar and a summary, I kind of had to decide the concepts and content to speak on. When I went to get my paper notes with my information to make the summary, I could not find my notes anywhere and had to start from scratch. As I am learning to trust God in the process this was definitely a process of trust as my training did not get down on paper and in a good flow until 48 hours prior to the training.

Embracing Shalom Through Transition

When you gaze at this image, what do you notice? What emotions does this image evoke in you? In what ways might you perceive God through this image? Where would you place yourself in this image? 


How do you perceive transition?  Do you perceive it as a gift from God or His assignment for you or that transitions are holy ground?  We looked at Matthew’s narration of Jesus calming the storm in chapter eight. Transition is a powerful tool in God’s hands to show us where we need to let some things die, let others go, to own and embrace at a deep level God’s truth and consistency in our lives. God shakes us loose from old familiar places of the heart so that we can start this new chapter more firmly grounded in Him, and more deeply connected with others.

“This has given me a new perspective and how to embrace shalom for myself and for those who I minister to.”


“Accepting His assignment, spending time with the Father, not to rush through transition.”


“The photo of the river and then drawing my own river of transition was eye opening.” 


“Jesus was asleep, then turned and saw his disciples, spoke to them then rebuked the storm.”

Have you ever thought of transitions as a way to experience the gospel?  In preparing for this webinar during the Lenten season and anticipating Easter, it has given me a new lens to see transition.  There is no resurrection without death.  Jesus’ death on the cross made room for eternal life for you and for me through his resurrection.  I am so grateful that Jesus did not rush through the various transitions throughout his life as I like to do when I am in transition because it can be hard, uncomfortable, and challenging.  But Jesus was willing to experience them for the joy set before him and for my good.

We are so close to the finish line of $40,000.  The amount still needed is $1,200 that is 2 people willing to give $600 ($50/month) or 4 people willing to give $300 ($25/month). We’ve got this!  Will you help me to cross the finish line?

Meeting with a few women this month to provide care and debriefing.  Planning and preparing for our annual Dominican Republic field trip.  Catching up on some continuing education for my coaching accreditation and membership with the ICCA.  Taking some time to prepare myself and preparing for the upcoming mediation.  The missionaries serving with BCM Peru are now starting up teaching their bible classes at the bible institute, equipping churches to do bible clubs, and doing their bible clubs as well as their school age kids just started a new school year.


TCK Connect celebrated its 4th birthday, so we had a birthday party celebration. The students were divided into teams to write the best poem for TCK Connect. Here are some of the winning poems:

In the realm of screens,                                                          Connect connects us through time
A zoom room glows with digital light.                                Online together through zoom
Admit the pixels in virtual spaces,                                       Near or far
TCK Connect gathers a joyful embrace.                               Executed into the waiting room
With smiles that span across the miles,                               Connect still loves you
Friends gather round in digital styles.                               ‘Til we see each other next time
Though screens may separate, hearts align,
For birthdays celebrated love intertwines.


“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” 

Mk. 15:33

“It is finished.” Jn. 19:30

“…wrapped in linen and placed his body in a tomb…” 

Lk. 23:53

“He has risen!” Mt. 28:6


Praise the Lord for engagement and encouragement from the webinar!

Praise the Lord for my women’s bible study!

Praise the Lord for beautiful weather!

Pray for Dominican Republic Field Trip Apr 5th-9th.

Pray for $1,200 to be provided.

Pray for wisdom and discernment in providing mediation for three missionaries and conflict coaching with the involved couple.

Pray for Velvet Ashes Spring Connection Groups – I’ll be facilitating a small group of global women in transition.

Pray for Women’s Leadership Cohort, Apr 3rd & 17th.

Pray for wisdom, discernment, and insight as I meet with people either one-on-one or debriefs.

                                                Contact Information:

Donate Online! (Follow the prompts)


Mail Checks:

  World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

  P.O. Box B

  Marietta, GA  30061

  (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)


Bill Pay:  free option via your online banking

  (Use the same information for checks)


Shannon Eaton

107 Old York Rd Apt 5

New Cumberland, PA 17070

(724) 967-1437



Are We There Yet? Navigating Re-Entry


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