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Re-Entry: Resources & Networking


The practicality and logistics can be overwhelming and daunting with re-entry. Whether it be getting ready to pack up and leave your host country, arriving to your passport country or you have been a while in your passport country there are many details that need attending. This is where having lists can be helpful even if you are not a list person because with high levels of stress and decreased capacity for decision-making and though processes, lists help to show you what needs to be done.  Lists can become overwhelming so it is important to just do what you can manage for each day.

Why are resources and networking valuable?

New re-entry arrivals and even into your first couple of years it is valuable to have people resources to help you navigate back into your passport culture. They are people to help teach, explain, and answer your questions about the social norms, nuances, and current pop culture that have changed since living overseas. Your helpers in navigating the various social environments such as the workplace, schools, and churches as things may have changed since you have been gone. Those who can help you in navigating the everyday living needs as you learn your new community and find places and things, especially if it is a new state, city, or town than where you originally lived.

If you are further in the re-entry journey, it is still important to have these people resources as there can be transitions along the journey. Sometimes there is transition with moving again, career changes, kids transitioning to new schools and/or university. Identifying who these people are is very helpful in making your transition be smooth and seamless.

Other resources that are valuable when leaving your host country are things such as shutting off utilities, packing, donating, selling, passing off work responsibilities, maybe training others to take on your work roles, buying tickets, transportation to the airport, accommodations, who will pick you up from airport to just name a few.

Resources that are valuable to think through and list for your passport country include but are not limited to:

Accommodations – Housing


Career Opportunities

Continued education, licensing, etc.

Financial adjustments and challenges

Healthcare system

School for kids – University

Even though in re-entry our relational capacity can be very low because of higher levels of stress and higher emotional needs in transition, it is still valuable to network. Networking can help us either become engaged or stay engaged with our community, our industry of work, and can lead to new opportunities for growth and advancement. 

Looking for a great way to network? Join the 'Are We There Yet? Navigating Re-Entry' Facebook group. Look forward to seeing you there.


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