Our personhood matters. It comes from God because we are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Personhood is defined as the state or condition of being a person – a human being that exists. In this article, we will look at personhood through the lens of our voice, power, and relationship.
1. Voice is the expression of who I am.
2. Power is self-control, having options, and choices.
3. Relationship is being connected interpersonally and to my environment.
How is personhood impacted?
Have you experienced a time when you felt not seen, not heard, or misunderstood? Have you encountered a situation where you did not have any options, or the choice was made for you? Have you ever felt the need to withdraw, isolate or be alone?
If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then your personhood has been impacted to some degree. Some common stressors that do impact personhood are stress, anxiety, unmet expectations, and insecurities.
Reflecting on how or where your personhood has been impacted along with taking time to brainstorm how to regain your voice, power, and relationship can be vital in taking the first step toward getting unstuck and living in wholeness. Make a list of what you do have control over and what you do not have control over in this situation, circumstance, or relationship. Then, start focusing on what you do have control over that will help to regain your power. Identify what relationships are mutual and safe in this season of life where you can find connection. State your needs to those who you have connection as a way to help you to find your voice once again.
If you would like to dive deeper into how your personhood has been impacted in this season of transition or re-entry, comment below DIVE DEEPER.
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