Happy Thanksgiving!
“You only have today what you were thankful for yesterday.” How would that change your perspective of being thankful for all things?
Have you ever thought what is the difference between thankfulness and gratefulness? Being thankful is a response to what we have received. Gratefulness is a way of life that we choose without the need for someone else to do something for us. There is power in gratitude. The most important reason for cultivating an attitude of gratefulness is it glorifies God who is the Giver of life. What steps are you taking to practice gratitude?
I am thankful and grateful for the opportunity to share in person with Faith Fellowship Church of Rimersburg of God’s goodness and faithfulness in investing in the lives of those serving on the frontlines of ministry. Over this past year, we have ministered and served people who are on the frontlines proclaiming the gospel message in 46 different countries including the United States. “Healthy workers are essential for effective ministry, longevity, and the advancement of the gospel,” states Geoff Whiteman, director of Valeo Research Institute. People are our best resource, and we need to invest in their well-being by supporting and caring for them on their journey towards wholeness which is the heart of our Father.
I am grateful and thankful for God giving me the opportunity in trusting him to provide for all my needs as I have started fundraising for 2024. It is excited anticipation to see how God is going to work in the lives and hearts of his people, his church to join with him in his work. The budgeted amount is $40,000. What has been raised in just a couple of weeks as a one-time gift is $1,476. If my monthly and quarterly supporters continue then they are contributing $21,940. The total raised and pledged is $23,416. I still need your help.
Þ Would you be a monthly partner?
Þ Would you give a one-time gift?
Þ Would you refer a friend?
Þ Would you ask your church to give?
Þ Would you ask your small group to give?
Þ Would you refer a business to give an end of the year donation?
Join the movement and be rewarded. Together as a team we can move mountains and advance the gospel.
Here is how you can give:
Þ Donate Online! (Follow the prompts)
Þ Mail Checks:
World Outreach Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box B
Marietta, GA 30061
(Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)
Þ Bill Pay: free option via your online banking.
(Use the same information for checks)
We had a talent show recently with the students on TCK Connect and the talents these students have are quite remarkable. The talents range from writing poetry, stories, and songwriting to playing instruments, singing, and rapping, to speaking many languages, to creativity through baking, painting, sewing, collages, and decorating to the talented soccer player demonstrating his tricks with the ball. The uniqueness and gifting that God has given each one and how He delights and rejoices over each one as they shared their talents.
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.”
Psalm 100:4
Praise the Lord for opportunity of sharing & fellowship at Faith Fellowship Church of Rimersburg!
Praise the Lord for the women who shared about their re-entry journey these last eight weeks!
Praise the Lord for family & friends!
Pray for Family debrief Nov. 28th-30th, working with 3y/o & 5y/o.
Pray for fundraising, $40,000 for 2024.
Pray for the teens who come to Friday morning TCK Connect to be seen and heard.
Pray for me to continue learning to trust in God. Trust him in the process and outcomes.
Pray for wisdom, discernment, and insight as I meet with people either one-on-one or debriefs.
Contact Information:
Shannon Eaton
107 Old York Rd Apt 5
New Cumberland, PA 17070
(724) 967-1437
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