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What is your role on the ship?


Ahoy matey!  Have you ever sailed on a boat or cruise ship?  Each crew member has an important role whether given a small or heaping amount of responsibility.  One of the things that helps a sail team to be successful is a positive mindset of “how can I contribute from start to finish.”  When everyone is stewarding well their responsibilities with a positive mindset of being a team player to succeed, the whole crew finds enjoyment and lasting endurance even when storms of life happen.  But if the ship’s crew have a fixed mindset and are slacking in their responsibilities it is like being off one degree from the port of call and the ship will end up miles and miles away from the intended port.  
God’s ministry of caring for the well-being of His saints who are serving locally and globally in advancing the gospel is our ship.  The captain is Jesus Christ.  He is inviting each of us to come aboard as His crew.  Just like the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, the Captain has given different responsibilities to each one of us.  It takes all on board to steward well those talents, responsibilities so that His saints will receive the holistic care needed for their well-being to stay in port where they’re stationed. 

What are the roles on the ship?

Prayer Warriors

Willing to stand in the gap

Generous Givers

Contributing financial gifts

Network of Referrals

Spreading the word to individuals, groups, businesses who want to partner and come aboard. All are welcome!


Sending words, photos, cards of encouragement 


Invitations to come and share at church, missions conference, bible study, retreat, camp, groups, etc.


Practical needs that arise

Care Giver

Emotional and spiritual care support


Is Jesus inviting you to come aboard to steward the talent He has given you?  Welcome aboard!  I am available to talk to you, a friend, a church, or a business that is interested in learning more or how they can come aboard to contribute.  Ask my supporters how this ministry has impacted their life.  If this is not the right ship for you, that’s okay.  Do not be discouraged because there is a right ship for you to steward the talent you’ve been given.  I am available to help you discern what is the right ship for you to board.

Be on the lookout!  I will be sending out a support letter the beginning of November of how you can use your gift of generosity to invest in this ministry and my life to equip, mentor, and coach ministry workers to health.  Healthy ministry workers are essential for effective ministry, longevity, and the advancement of the gospel.

Have I made a difference?

Are there times in your life when you have wondered if you’ve made a difference in the life of anyone in your circle of influence? I sure have because most of my ministry career has been planting and watering.  But recently, God has shown me the harvest from the fruit of our labor in Peru.  Celebrate with me in this beautiful harvest!   It was a labor of love that we did together.  I received a WhatsApp message from one of the boys who grew up in the children’s home where I served in Peru.  He wrote to tell me that after lots of prayer and counsel with his pastor, he has recently made a decision to be a missionary in the jungles of Peru.  He shared how much he treasured the years I lived with him at the home and since leaving, periodically checking in with him.  Beauty has come from the ashes of his childhood.  The investment of all our resources was so worth the labor of love and it continues to manifest in the life and now ministry of this young man.  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  If you feel led to continue in this young man’s life and ministry the Lord has commissioned him, please reach out to me as I would love to get you connected.

I am reminded of how often we may not see the results of our labor which can cause us to grow weary and lose heart.  The book of Hebrews a letter written to Jewish believers, reminded them to hold fast, to persevere, and keeping their eyes on Jesus who is the anchor of their souls keeping them firm and secure.  Be encouraged friend!  Hold fast.  Trust in the One who is unshakable and unchangeable.

I will be hosting the following ‘Thursdays with Shannon’ on zoom from 8pm-9pm EDT, we’ll meet on November 2nd for transitions and how it impacts our personhood.  And on December 7th on grief & loss: how to journey through it and beyond it.  Here is the zoom link, to join. Looking forward to seeing you there.

The Women’s Alive Retreat held at Camp Orchid Hill located in a beautiful setting was an ideal place for women to pull away from their daily life, gather together, sit at the feet of Jesus and communion with Him.  I have enjoyed being invited into conversations and to use my experience from living overseas and serving with mission agencies to help Cherry Run Camp develop policies and procedures needed as a 501c3 nonprofit.  I love having this opportunity to pour into Cherry Run Camp where my life has greatly been impacted over the years.

Remember this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, 

and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. 

Each person should do as he has decided in his heart

—not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.

 – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

God has used your gifts of generosity to increase my faith. 
Thank you!


Praise the Lord for an amazing time of fellowship and study at the Women’s Retreat!

Praise the Lord for the women He has put in my life that have and are a blessing to me! 

Praise the Lord for His beauty this fall season!

Pray for the group of 8 women I am facilitating for the Velvet Ashes fall Connection Group Re-Entry – Sept-Nov.

Pray for Family debrief Nov. 28th-30th, working with 3y/o & 5y/o. 

Pray for fundraising, $40,000 for 2024.

Pray for the teens who come to Friday morning TCK Connect.

Pray for me to continue learning to trust in God. Trust him in the process and outcomes.

Pray for wisdom, discernment, and insight as I meet with people either one-on-one or debriefs.

                                                Contact Information:

Donate Online! (Follow the prompts)


Mail Checks:

  World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

  P.O. Box B

  Marietta, GA  30061

  (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)


Bill Pay:  free option via your online banking

  (Use the same information for checks)


Shannon Eaton

107 Old York Rd Apt 5

New Cumberland, PA 17070

(724) 967-1437




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