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May Newsletter

May 2016

PRAISE THE LORD!  Exciting news.  I have been given the green light to go.  I’ve purchased my plane ticket to go to the Dominican Republic and will be leaving on June 7th.  My Kids Alive account is well funded but always need continued support (  Thank you for partnering with me!

I spent the evening with some dear friends from Peru who were up in the states celebrating Kids Alive’s 100th year anniversary of ministry.  What a blessing to be part of a ministry that has been ministering to kids and sharing Jesus’ love for 100 years.  It was a blessing to reconnect with Adrian who was one of the older boys at the Juniper Tree and now to see him as a young man.  Hearing his testimony and how God is working in his life was so precious.  Adrian’s dream since he was a little boy has been to come to the United States and God has answered those prayers.  Adrian is currently working for Kids Alive Peru as an assistant to Mike, the field director.  Adrian is studying importation and exportation at an institute in Lima.  I had the chance to reconnect with Mike, my former boss in Peru.  Catching up over dinner about how our Peruvian ministries are growing as well as his family.  I had a surprise visit with another gal, Erin, who was a short-term missionary in Peru prior to my arrival, but I met her when she came back to visit.  It’s just amazing how God has orchestrated the whole evening and brought us three adults back together for a brief reunion.

I am very grateful for the quality family time that I had these past few weeks.  I had precious time in playing with Olivia, Jack, Ryan, and Haylie.  Getting to see Haylie take her first couple of steps.  Spending precious time in feeding, holding, and cuddling with James.  Spending precious time watching Rylie and Morgan in their musical and Rylie playing softball.  My cousin (the first great grandchild on my mom’s side) got married which was a beautiful way to spend time with family, some who I have haven’t seen for years.  Visiting with my good college friend, Chrissy and her family.  Celebrating another year of life.  Reminiscing over childhood memories.  Laughing together. 
Cooking together.  Sharing with one another.  Making lasting memories.

God is so good.  I shared at Dayton and Smicksburg United Methodist Churches.  I had not been back to either church for a Sunday morning worship service for 25 years, not since my family moved away.  When I stepped over the threshold of each church I felt so welcomed and loved.  It was a surreal moment for me, seeing so many familiar faces.  I was filled with so much joy.  I shared at Karns City, Chicora, Sligo, and East Brady United Methodist Churches as well.  Reconnected with some of the people in those congregations and meeting many new people as well. Very grateful for God’s goodness and the opportunities He has given me to share His vision and calling in my life.

Before coming back to the states in December, I had a list of books that I wanted to read in order to help prepare and equip me for the new role God has called me to in being a missionary care facilitator with Kids Alive.  I have been able to read all the books and have learned a ton.  God has convicted me in some areas of my life as I read through them.  Now, I am trying to organize and process through all of the information in my brain and notes in order to teach, train, and equip my fellow missionaries to understand and apply this knowledge to their lives and to their ministries.  The last book on my list is called, The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman.  I was pleasantly surprised because I was expecting the book to talk about different models of sharing
the Good News.  The book talks about the model Jesus used, being an example or mentor to a specific, small group of twelve men.  Jesus poured himself into these twelve men because it would be these men who would go out and share the Good News and make disciples.  Jesus ministered to the multitude but his main ministry was with his twelve disciples.  As I was reading it reminded me of the part in the movie “War Room,” where Miss Clara disciples Elizabeth throughout the movie.  But near the end Miss Clara tells Elizabeth to encourage her that she needs to find someone to teach or mentor.  This model that Jesus gives us strongly encourages and builds relationships instead of a program or not quite so hands-on.  As I thought more about this format for evangelizing I realized that this is what Kids Alive use, especially with the children in our homes.  Our house parents model Jesus for the kids in all aspects of living life.  A great tool to have for my own life and as I mentor and equip missionaries. 

“And this is my prayer:  that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.”

Philippians 1:9-11

Praise the Lord for providing all my funding for the first year!
 Praise the Lord for keeping me safe in all my travels!
Praise the Lord for quality time with my family!
Praise the Lord for his healing power!
Pray for me, as I will be traveling to the Dominican Republic June 7th and for transitioning well.
Pray for my meeting at KAI headquarters on May 23rd in regards to missionary care.
Pray for our missionaries in the Dominican Republic for wisdom, strength, and boldness.

Shannon Eaton
Address:  829 Kocher Drive
Grove City, PA  16127
Phone:  724-967-7205
Skype:  Shannon.renee.eaton
Facebook:  Shannon R. Eaton


  1. Shannon I am so glad to hear that things have come together and that you will be making the journey to the next phase that God has sent forth for you.


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