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February Newsletter


Why I do what I do?

Loneliness and the lack of support and connection is often the lived experience that ministry workers encounter, and it grieves my heart because this has been my lived experience as well, my story of burnout. My mission?  Connect. Nurture. Grow.

The TCK Connect Chai Chat is where students talk about specific issues they face.  This month students talked about loneliness.  It is a part of their lives as they are always on the outside, seen as a foreigner no matter if in the host country or here in the U.S.A.  The students describe loneliness as a lack of a peer group, disconnected, and being unknown.  Withdrawing even more than usual is their way of coping with loneliness. What helps with their loneliness is joining the TCK Connect calls, talking with friends if they are available and listening to music.  It is beautiful to see how God is using TCK Connect in the students’ lives to have connection and relationships.  Some have or are planning on meeting each other in person.

Such a privilege to work with three adolescents as they processed through some of their lived experience with me.  Their stories are like a backpack full of rocks that they have been carrying around their whole lives and adding more and more rocks along the way. They unzipped their backpacks and shared with me some of their rocks, some small and some big and hefty.  Each rock telling a story, the hurt, pain, sadness, anxiety, uncertainty, loneliness, and loss to name a few of their rocks.  I recently learned that trauma is aloneness in the midst of the events so by telling their stories in the presence of a safe and compassionate person helps to regulate their nervous system that was dysregulated. This is a gift of connection, and it lightens their load a bit.

Nurturing and growing through cohorts: discussions on our personhood with the effects of trauma and our family of origin in our women’s cohort.  A discussion on the chaos that moral injury can cause and how it also affects our personhood with global healthcare workers.  I also have learned through the collective wisdom one with another in these discussions, the presenters who have taught on these topics, and the extra readings that go along with the material discussed.  A lady in my cohort group shared that being a part of this group, she has learned and is grateful to know that she is not alone.

I’ve had the honor to spend two different days to care for some of the staff at Water Street Mission.  Providing a safe place for them to share their struggles.  A place for them to be seen, heard, and understood.  Offering tools that may help them in their journey such as circles of responsibility, practice of lament, practice of palms up and palms down, grief tower/circles or word journal association to name a few.

I realize that your financial gift comes at a price – not just monetarily, but in what it represents: skill, talent, time, energy, and that much less that you could be spending on your own pursuits and loved ones.  I also realize that your prayers come at a price – I want to let you know that your prayers – however long, short, loud, or soft – are powerful and effective.  For this, I thank you.  As I write this, my heart is filled with gratitude for all you mean to me and helping make this ministry possible.  I am reminded of the story in Luke 21 of the widow and praise God that you also reach past your surplus to give to the Lord.  I could not do this ministry without friends like you.  Thank you!

Why I do what I do?

Global workers say, “We feel beloved, yet forgotten; supported yet lonely; attached but disconnected; spiritual but parched.” (Global Trellis, 2024 survey of global workers wondering what they might not be sharing with senders.)


Bearing witness to their stories, empowers them to connect with God, themselves, and others in their circles of influence.  Tending to their needs: body, mind, and spirit, nourishes them and strengthens them for the race the Lord has for them to run. Coming alongside in their journey encourages and equips them to grow and develop in community as we were not meant to do this alone.  Will you join me to connect, nurture, and grow ministry workers?

I still need $6,500 to reach my budget of $45,000.  Breaking it down:

·      5 people/business/church to give $1300 - $108/month


·      10 people/business/church to give $650 - $54/month


·      20 people/business/church to give $325 - $27/month

Thank you for being on mission with Jesus!

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? 

And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? 

And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? 

As it is written: 

‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”

Romans 10:14-15


Praise the Lord for the Women’s Cohort going well!

Praise the Lord for the first of three ABWE cohorts had good engagement!

Praise the Lord for 2025 funding coming in of $2,750 this month!

Praise the Lord for travel and caring for the staff at Water Street Mission!

Praise the Lord for the TCK debrief!

Pray for 2025 fundraising campaign - $6,500 still needed to reach $45,000.

Pray for Women’s Leadership Cohort on Wednesday mornings.

Pray for ABWE Cohort on Feb. 20th.

Pray for the training I’ll facilitate for Safe Families Staff on Mar. 10th.

Pray for TCK debrief Mar. 17th-19th.

Pray for BCM Peru missionaries as they finish this month’s camp ministries.

Pray for the students of TCK Connect to feel seen, heard, and connection.

     Contact Information:

Donate Online! (Follow the prompts)


Mail Checks:

  World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

  P.O. Box B

  Marietta, GA  30061

  (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)


Bill Pay:  free option via your online banking

  (Use the same information for checks)


Shannon Eaton

107 Old York Rd Apt 5

New Cumberland, PA 17070

(724) 967-1437



Are We There Yet? Navigating Re-Entry


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