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May Newsletter


Ministry & Serving!

Congratulations! We crossed the finish line!!! Together we have raised $40,000 for my budget this year to continue to serve and provide care for all those who are on the front lines of ministry – domestically and globally.

Ministering to a family on furlough from SE Asia to provide a debrief for their four children ranging from 10 to 16 years old. The kids were such a joy to work with and hearing their stories of their years living in SE Asia as we did emotion work to give language around the losses they are processing through. We did a self-portrait activity of how they see themselves, how they believe others see them, how they want to be seen and how they believe God sees them. They made some beautiful drawings and clip artwork. And we drew out their family timeline that will help them to continue processing their stories.

My colleague, Jen and I traveled to Cabo, Mexico to debrief two families serving with YWAM. The one family is going to be re-entering the USA and the other has gone through some difficult years and are in burnout. Creating for the families, both adults and kids a safe space to share their stories of the losses, the gains, the hurts, the disappointments, the unmet expectations, and the messy relationships were some of the obstacles and entanglements during their years of ministry and living cross-culturally. Debriefs are a space to sit comfortably, breathe, and drink a cold glass of water to refresh themselves.  And some tools they can take that will help them in the next leg of their journey.

We stayed in the YWAM Olas Hotel & Retreat in Pescadera, Mexico, where missionaries and pastors come to retreat. Located in the desert with cacti all around, dry brush, palm trees, tropical plants, and dry riverbeds along the Pacific Ocean. We got to spend some time at the beach during our down time and each some amazing fish tacos.

Bethann and I had the opportunity to facilitate a women’s retreat for the staff, alumni, and clients of Light of Life. It was great to see some women we met last year and to meet some new ladies as well. We studied Psalm 84:5-7.  In the journey of life the women will have seasons of their lives where they will pass through the Valley of Baca – weeping, no man’s land, and the Lord will make a place of springs. Refreshment. Connection. And there will be pools – restoration and life. Going from strength to strength that God is in their midst for them to keep on keeping on. Our last session together we had a time of prayer, the ladies randomly drew a slip of paper with a verse written on it from a bag. Once they drew it, they would read the verse out loud and us leaders prayed with the individual using that verse to guide our prayer. It was quite amazing how the ladies reacted when they read their verse as God’s word spoke directly to them in that moment or confirmed what they had been sharing that weekend.  So amazing to see how the Lord speaks through His word.

Amid all the traveling these last six weeks, the comings, and goings, I have learned the importance of creating margin so that the constant change of mobility in my life will be a healthy tiredness and not a weariness.  Margin in my schedule before I leave and when I return that doesn’t perpetuate and exacerbate the busyness. Doing life-giving things for myself even while traveling. This life-giving rhythm has given me space to be able to stay in the present and then pivot to the next thing I need to put my hand too. 

The Cherry Run Women’s Retreat was life-giving for me amid my travels.  A place to stop, drink a cold glass of water, receive from the Lord, and to fellowship with other women.  I always love reconnecting with friends from Cherry Run and meeting new women.  There are nuggets I am still chewing on that Kelly shared from Ephesians 3 and 4 on relational holiness and what that means and looks like lived out in my life. 

“…for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

Nehemiah 8:10b


Praise the Lord for His provision of $40,000! Praising Him for each of you who has been faithful to His leading!!

Praise the Lord for a wonderful and joyful time with the family debrief!

Praise the Lord for the amazing time serving the women at the Light of Life Retreat!

Praise the Lord for safety in traveling to Cabo, Mexico to debrief two families!

Praise the Lord for Women’s Retreat at Cherry Run Camp!

Praise the Lord for continuing building friendships!

Pray for my visit & sharing at Faith Fellowship Community Church June 7th-9th.

Pray for my week as a bible teacher at Seneca Hills Bible Conference June 16th-22nd.

Pray for a speaking engagement at Knox Dale - Meade Chapel - Port Barnett Churches June 23rd.

Pray for in-person session with TCK – May 23rd.

Pray for wisdom, discernment, and insight as I meet with people either one-on-one or debriefs.

                                                Contact Information:

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Mail Checks:

  World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

  P.O. Box B

  Marietta, GA  30061

  (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)


Bill Pay:  free option via your online banking

  (Use the same information for checks)


Shannon Eaton

107 Old York Rd Apt 5

New Cumberland, PA 17070

(724) 967-1437



Are We There Yet? Navigating Re-Entry


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