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…hearing stories and testimonies of how God is transforming the lives of the women who I met at the retreat Bethann, and I facilitated for Light of Life Mission.  Being invited into their pain, hurt, and unresolved grief as they felt safe to share those parts of themselves.  Just like the blindman in Luke 18 shouted, “Son of David have mercy on me.”  The crowd tried to shush him, and he shouted even louder.  Again, the crowd told him to shut up.  The blindman was desperate for Jesus and so he shouted even more loudly, and Jesus stopped.  What is it you need from Jesus that you need to shout out to him?  One area that was prevalent in the stories shared was so much unresolved grief.  Giving them language around grief.  How unresolved grief stacks up like a tower and eventually it will fall over if we do not take the time to unstack each block – the loss – by naming, acknowledging, validating its impact to us, and grieving it.

…receiving an invitation to share in an important milestone in the lives of the graduating Union High School seniors (my alma mater) to speak at their baccalaureate service.  I have to say my first reaction when asked to be the guest speaker was “no” because I did not think I had anything “profound,” “inspiring,” or “motivational” to say at this special milestone.  But God had a different response and as I was praying to know if I was the right person, God gave me the words identity and withness.  He continued to give me a variety of different things that conveyed those two words and I just wrote them down so I would have it when ready to write out the message.  In preparing for the message, I felt a weightiness to it.  I had not ever felt this in all the other times I shared in front of people.  But willing to be God’s conduit for his message.  Here is an excerpt of the message:

Do we know who we are? If we don’t or are not sure, we will start to live as someone who we are not. Our world, the culture we live in, the various influencers of our lives, and even our enemy, Satan, will define who we are for us. Names are important. They have meaning and carry weight. What names do you answer to that have marked you? Be aware that our enemy is prowling around like a roaring lion ready to define who we are so that he can devour us. These are the lies and half-truths the enemy calls us and defines us unworthy, unloved, unwanted, not good enough, disappointment, a mistake, misunderstood, too much, shame, guilt, etc. His names will steal, kill, and destroy us. God though calls us by a new name. A good name. A name that brings life. His names are friend, chosen, masterpiece, handmade, messenger to the world, child of God, greatly loved, brand new, great value, etc. God created us for withness – being connected and close to God. He invited each of us to come and receive a new name, a new identity in Christ Jesus. We have a hope that our identity is anchored in Christ Jesus who keeps us firm and secure amid the seasons of our lives. God knew we would be searching our whole lives for our identity, our real names so he wrote them down for us in his word, the bible so we will not forget how God defines who we care and our withness with him. When we find our identity in the One who created us – it will change our whole perspective. Do you know who you are? What do you want to reflect to the world around you?

…another year of life.  Thankful to be able to spend time with family in Grove City and New Cumberland in celebrating my birthday!  Grateful for the cards and messages I received from so many others.

…the Spanish version of The Invitation has been published and now able to purchase on Amazon.  This would be a great resource for your church library, for those who you know whose language is Spanish, and for your missionary who is serving the Hispanic population.

…reconnecting in person with friends from my sending church.   It is nice to walk into a place and be known and welcomed and loved.  Catching up on our lives.  Hearing testimonies from the older generation of how they came to Christ and their love of God.  Being cared for, encouraged, heard, and prayed for from the ladies of my Core Team as we fellowshipped together over breakfast.  God’s care for me as He filled my cup to overflowing from my time spent in Rimersburg/Sligo.

Jn 15:15 – I am a friend of God
Ps 139 – I am created, fearfully and wonderfully made, knitted and woven together, handmade by God’s hands, all my days are ordained before one came to be - purpose
1 Thess 1:4 – I am chosen by God
Eph. 2:10 – I am God’s workmanship, art, masterpiece, handmade, created for purpose, and fashioned for good things
1 Cor 6:19 – my body is His temple, resident of the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:8 – I am a messenger to the world
2 Tim 1:9 – I am saved
Gal 3:26 – I am a child of God
Rom 5:8 – I am greatly loved
2 Cor 5:17 – I am brand new
Rom 15:7 – I am accepted
Jn 8:36 – I am free, free indeed
Eph 1 – I am chosen, adopted into His family, He redeemed me so I am wanted, His Son died for me so I could be forgiven, I am sealed with promise in the Holy Spirit
Eph 2:5 – I am alive
Eph 2:19 – I am a citizen of God’s kingdom, a member of God’s household
Jer 1:5 – I am set apart, born with a purpose
Gen 1:27 – I am created in the image of God
2 Cor 3:5 – I am sufficient
Mt 6:26 – I am of great value


Praise the Lord for another year of life!

Praise the Lord for fun family time through sports and spending time together!

Praise the Lord for opportunity to speak at Union Baccalaureate!

Praise the Lord for great retreat with Light of Life Mission! 

Praise the Lord for His protection as I traveled this month! 

Pray for both teen TCK Connect on Friday mornings & adult TCK Connect on Sunday evenings.

Pray for wisdom, discernment, and insight as I meet with people either one-on-one or debriefs.

Pray for launching life coaching mid-June through Safe Place Ministries.

Pray for my accreditation process in life coaching.

Pray for Cherry Run Camp – July 29th-Aug 6th

                                               Contact Information:

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Mail Checks:

  World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

  P.O. Box B

  Marietta, GA  30061

  (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)


Bill Pay:  free option via your online banking

  (Use the same information for checks)


Shannon Eaton

107 Old York Rd Apt 5

New Cumberland, PA 17070

(724) 967-1437



Facebook:  Shannon R. Eaton


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