God’s goodness, beauty, and truth…
Safe Place Ministry did a field trip to the Dominican Republic for nine days to serve the 20 missionaries serving with Kids Alive International and one intern. I was a little apprehensive in wondering if I was the right person to be on this team because I believed that Bethann would be carrying most of the load because of the dual relationships I have with the missionaries. But God assured me through Bethann’s words of wanting me to be a part of this team and the privilege of being asked to join in conversations that pleasantly surprised me in an honoring way. How amazing to grow deeper in connections with these missionaries.
We started our time with a one-day retreat studying John 14, especially looking at verse 18. Jesus is speaking to his disciples in this passage, and he tells them, “I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you.” We looked at how we see orphans and how they act. Why does Jesus use this term, orphan here while talking to his disciples? Where do we take on an orphan posture in ministry and in our personal lives? As we look at the whole passage of John 14 what are the things that Jesus says that reinforce to his disciples that He will not leave them as orphans?
We enjoyed the warm, sunny weather everyday along with the beauty surrounding us. Lots of laughter and fellowship. At the end of my week, I had a beautiful surprise in spending some time with Dave and Connie. I had the opportunity to go with Connie to shop for the team that was to arrive the next day which so reminded me our many shopping trips when we lived together in Peru.
A few days after our trip to the DR, Bethann and I debriefed a family who is serving in Quebec for three days. I had the privilege of working with the three young children as we did activities together, read books, played games, and just played. One thing we learned was about the importance of saying goodbyes for us to have good hellos. My favorite this time was playing ‘bus rides.’ We put three conference chairs in a row that was the back of the bus and one chair in front for the bus driver. The youngest was our bus driver and we pretended going around turns and hitting some potholes. Once we arrived at a place, we got off and then one of the other kids was our tour guide for the place. We practiced saying goodbye before we got back on the bus to go to the next place. Also, this time my volcano of diet coke and mentos really exploded up into the air (a station in our grief journey). So much fun!
Through a conversation I’ve had recently, God has been challenging me on the difference between what is thriving versus contentment. In the member care world, many use the word thriving. The catch phrase is, ‘thriving not surviving.’ I honestly never really put much thought into it but that it was the goal towards being healthy. Thriving is kind of like a ‘poster child’ that can cause us to still hide our struggles as it is shallower, more measured, and more self-focused. Contentment is more of a kingdom perspective that brings freedom as we reflect the image of Christ, allowing to count the good and bad as gain. How gratitude cultivates the soil for contentment.
God’s goodness in giving me the opportunity to become certified as a professional life coach through the American Association of Christian Counselors. I believe this will enhance the care I am already giving to folks for member care as coaching supports personal and professional growth based on the client’s self-initiated change in pursuit of specific actionable outcomes that are future-focused and with a growth mindset. Three areas of coaching I am thinking to specialize in would be life transition coaching including cross-cultural living and re-entry, grief coaching, and spiritual formation coaching. The leadership team of Safe Place Ministry has been so encouraging to me as I journey in this endeavor. I have finished the first course and now have one more course that contains 12 classes to take before receiving my certification. Then the next step will be to research the requirements needed to become accredited as a professional life coach with the International Board of Christian Care.
“… I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:11b-13
Praise the Lord for safety, fun, fellowship in ministering to those serving in the Dominican Republic!
Praise the Lord for ministering to a missionary family as we debriefed them!
Praise the Lord for seeing Heather & Eliyah!
Praise the Lord for seeing Dad & Maureen at Rachel’s!
Praise the Lord for health!
Pray for small group, TCK Connect every Friday morning.
Pray for all pastors and congregations of the United Methodist Churches who are going through disaffiliation process.
Pray for travels to Martinsville, VA to spend time with Fanny and her family to finish editing ‘The Invitation’ and for fun & fellowship March 23rd-27th.
Pray for wisdom, discernment, and insight as I meet with people either one-on-one or debriefs.
Pray for learning how to be a woman of excellence.
Contact Information:
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Shannon Eaton
107 Old York Rd Apt 5
New Cumberland, PA 17070
(724) 967-1437
Facebook: Shannon R. Eaton
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