Playful. Fun. Delightful. Exciting. Juggling. Grateful. Worried. Loved. Accepted. Known. Trusted. Awe-struck. Amazed. Tiring. Moved. Curiosity. Challenging. Stimulated. Nervous. Fascinating. Creative. Inspired. Peaceful. Hopeful. Good. Humbled.
I introduced myself to all the young adults to were part of our young adult program, which was new this year at camp. I got to know some of the kids in the children’s program because of hanging out at the playground with my nephews and nieces. I introduced myself to the song leaders and evangelists of the week and many others.
Even though I did really enjoy and was grateful for being a part of God’s work at Cherry Run to be welcoming, inviting, and hospitable to newcomers on campus who I did not know. But it was really life giving to me to spend time with my family, who were all there at some point in the week, and my Cherry Run family, some who came to visit who I have not seen in years, who have walked and continue to walk with me in this journey of life. How important and oh so precious to be a part of a community where you feel accepted, seen, known, and loved for who you are. Do you have such a community? If you do, how are you being community to around you, in your family, work, school, church, groups, etc.?
“…I was filled with delight day after day,
rejoicing (playing) always in His presence,
rejoicing (playing) in His whole world
and delighting in mankind.”
Proverbs 8:30-31
Praise the Lord for the week of Cherry Run Camp! Family! Friends! Spiritual feeding! Fun!
Praise the Lord for what I learned through the TCK Training Debrief Certification class!
Praise the Lord for Hi goodness and faithfulness!
Praise the Lord for good health!
Pray for wisdom as I prepare for this fall’s Spanish women’s bible study in September.
Pray for wisdom as I meet with people either one-on-one or debriefs.
Pray for community, one friend locally.
Contact Information:
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Mail Checks: World Outreach Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box B Marietta, GA 30061 (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)
Bill Pay: free option via your online banking (Use the same information for checks)
Shannon Eaton
5055 Stacey Drive Apt. 1604
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Facebook: Shannon R. Eaton
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