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Happy Thanksgiving!


November 2021

I enjoyed my trip to One Mission Society (OMS) headquarters in Greenwood, IN.  It was surreal in a way as my family, the churches where my Dad served and even Cherry Run Camp have hosted so many missionaries who have or still are serving with OMS.  I was asked to participate with Duane Brown, Darryl and Kelly Chambers in presenting to the OMS leadership the importance of serving and equipping the sending church to provide missionary care in partnership with OMS so that the missionary will be well cared for throughout their missionary service.  I got to meet one-on-one with some of the leadership as well for them to get to know me better and ask any questions.  One question that I was asked, “How much do other agencies budget for member care?”  I shared that I do not know as I have never actually seen anybody’s budget, but I believe your budget for member care should reflect how much you value your people.  Duane was given the go ahead to move forward in this new initiative.  I am looking forward to seeing how God uses this for his glory.  How the church stays involved and connected to their missionary.  How the missionary becomes more of an extension of the local church and has more support and care.  How the agency does not have to exhaust its people and resources as they partner with sending churches.  


I had the privilege of visiting David and Cecilia Dick in their home.  A special couple who has known me since I was a toddler.  They may have been the first missionaries that I remember praying for each morning as their prayer card was pinned on Indonesia (where they served) on our world map.  It was so much fun catching up with them and to reminisce.  I was invited to share at both the Norrisville UMC and St. Mark’s Church on the Pike as I was on my way traveling back to Harrisburg.  It was great to visit with these two churches and to share with them some of the stories of the various people who I have been honored to serve this year.

In our last Safe Place Ministry staff meeting, we had a guest come and share with us.  The one main takeaway I had was the three permissions he gives himself and his staff.  1) Permission to be human, 2) permission to fail, and 3) permission to breathe.  Stop.  Pause.  Think through what each of these permissions mean to you personally.  Ponder what that looks like.  Now think and ponder what that looks like when you offer that to others.  We talked about it as a team and wanting these three permissions to be a part of our culture.  I have been able to share these permissions with a few people since I heard it.

A six-hour virtual debrief did not go quite as planned as the young missionary had planned to stay in a place that was known to have good internet for our time together.  But the day we met the place was having internet issues.  I felt bad as she ended up doing the whole debrief in her car where she could get a signal to connect.  At one point in our conversation, I shared with her the three permissions.  The permission to be human felt freeing to her as she felt she shouldn’t be questioning God and doubting Him, yet she was.  How some things she felt were more a result of her strength and not God’s.  The permission to breathe was like the heavy yoke she has been carrying was lightened.  Not what she had expected and not the most comfortable (being in her car), yet God met her there in that space, right where she was at.

I recently received a phone call and was surprised by the name that popped up on my phone because I had not kept in touch with this missionary since leaving the Dominican Republic.  She was reaching out to me to see if I could provide member care for her as she was needing to process through some things.  We ended up meeting and the time went by so quickly even though it ended up being a four-hour conversation.  I got to give her a glass of cold water and a place to breathe.  But God met her in this space and spoke to her heart.  


In my Women’s Bible Study recently we talked about Strong Enough for Spiritual Warfare and the thing that spoke volumes to me is the key that turns on your armor is prayer.  Praying for all the saints (believers) in all occasions, without ceasing (Ephesians 6:18, paraphrased).  I am grateful and thankful for all of you who are praying for me in all occasions, without ceasing because I need them so desperately.  ¡Muchas gracias!

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; 

give thanks to him and praise his name.”

Psalm 100:4


Praise the Lord for safety in traveling to OMS headquarters, the meeting went very well!

Praise the Lord for the visiting long-time family friends, the Dicks!

Praise the Lord for speaking at Norrisville UMC & St. Mark’s Church!

Praise the Lord for getting to know three women through the Connection Group!

Praise the Lord for health!

Pray for wisdom as I meet with people 1:1.

Pray for the Safe Place Ministry Retreat Dec. 7th-8th in Easton, PA

Pray for travel and wisdom meeting with Water Street Mission staff on Dec. 16th.

Donate Online! (Follow the prompts)


Mail Checks:

  World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

  P.O. Box B

  Marietta, GA  30061

  (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)


Bill Pay:  free option via your online banking

  (Use the same information for checks)


Shannon Eaton

5055 Stacey Drive Apt. 1604

Harrisburg, PA  17111




Facebook:  Shannon R. Eaton


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