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Bubbles Up


August 2021

As I reflect over this month to write this newsletter, one thing keeps bubbling up.  God nudging me out of my comfort zone, which has gotten a little wider since starting this mission journey back in 2004 when he first called me into full-time missions.  I feel God has been nudging me around equipping by producing more content regarding member care.  I have been producing content throughout the years, health education and Bible studies and more recently in developing some trainings for Safe Place Ministry and for BCM Peru.  In some of my conversations with Safe Place, I have received the opportunity to create and write content for a member care manual that would help in equipping missionaries and member care providers.  Safe Place Ministry would help to edit what I write and produce the manuals that would be sold on their website.  Safe Place Ministry is interested in developing webinettes (60 minute) trainings on various topics or a series on one topic.  The idea of hosting a podcast has also come up a few times.  Praying for God’s direction and wisdom as He leads me more out of my comfort zone.

Ricardo, Karina & Job
BCM Peru News:  Ricardo and Karina are proud parents of their baby boy, Job who was born on July 20th.  Job did have some respiratory issues a couple of weeks later but was treated and sent home and doing great.  I led a training with eight BCM missionaries on Transitional Stress.  We talked through some of the transitions they have gone through this past year.  The biggest one being as a ministry they have transitioned to doing most of their ministries online.  They are continuing to do their Bible Clubs online, as well as their Sunday School sessions and they have a small group of students who are taking Bible classes/trainings at BCM (a year to three-year training program).  Be in prayer for this October 3rd-13th some of the BCM missionaries and the students will be traveling to the Shipiba community in the jungle of Peru to evangelize to the people there and work with the children in the community.

Marlon teaching BCM students

My spirit was refreshed by my time at Cherry Run Camp.  I feasted on good Bible teaching, great fellowship, good food and meeting new people.  I was blessed to be able to share with the youth not just one day but two days regarding missions.  The first day, Duane the missionary from OMS interviewed me live and had the kids ask me any questions.  The second day, I had them do two activities that I do when working with Third Culture Kids to help them process through specific things that have happened in their lives.  We played the Skittles game to get to know each other.  Then they did an art project called, mandala that went through the last 12 months.  They drew 12 circles that represent each month then wrote an event that happened each month either good or hard.  Then they had to color that circle with an emotion that surrounded that event.  Lastly, they were to see which emotion was the most frequent emotion they had these last 12 months.  A few of the youth shared with me about the pandemic and how school was different for them.  There were a few emotions that seemed to be common throughout a number of the youth, anger, sadness, happy, and disappointment.  Some took the activity to heart and others not so much, but this is where you trust God in the process.  I may never know how our time together helped them in processing these last 12 months, but God does.  The youth ended up nominating me to receive half the funds they would raise for mission marathon.  I was totally surprised by their gesture when it was announced.

BCM Missionaries Bible Club/Sunday School

Peruvian children watching online Bible Club

Thank you all for your prayers for my Dad and his knee surgery he had on August 17th.  The surgery went well, and Dad is home recovering and doing PT.  Continued prayers as his knee heals and strengthens with PT.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge him,

And he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6


Praise the Lord for an amazing time at Cherry Run Camp!

Praise the Lord for being able to drive…healing in my toe!

Praise the Lord for a great time with BCM Peru missionaries on July 26th!

Praise the Lord for Dad’s knee surgery went well, and he is recovering at home!

Pray for the training I am doing with missionaries at BCM Peru on Aug. 30th.

Pray for an online debrief I will be doing with a missionary on Aug. 31st.

Pray for church community.

Pray for development of new trainings.

Pray for wisdom and discernment as I meet 1:1 with people.

Pray for missionary family debrief Sept. 7th-9thand I will be working with their 3 children (ages 3-8).

Pray for missionary family debrief Sept. 15th-17th, I will be working with their 3 children (ages 9-16).

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Mail Checks:

  World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

  P.O. Box B

  Marietta, GA  30061

  (Make a check out to WOM & in memo or in a note write Shannon Eaton #783)


Bill Pay:  free option via your online banking

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                                     Shannon Eaton

5055 Stacey Drive Apt. 1604

Harrisburg, PA  17111




Facebook:  Shannon R. Eaton


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