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February 2021

“People start to heal the moment they feel heard.” –Cheryl Richardson

I have listened to many people’s stories this past month through group debriefs, trainings and one-on-one sessions.  Stories of loss.  Loss of friends, co-workers, family members, identity, roles, safety and so much more.  Stories of transitions.  Moving, transition within their job, schools, staying with family for an extended visit and even in their personal space and time.  Stories where their faith and values were challenged.  Stories of God’s kindness and goodness.

Honestly, there were moments when I felt very inadequate.  I would question myself after the session if I did enough.  Sometimes I didn’t feel like I connected well to the person.  Questioning if I validated the person well as validating is something I am and still need to work on.  Am I asking the right questions for the person to process?  One day when I was preparing for the member care training on debriefing, I came across and read the above quote and it was like God was speaking to me that all He needs me to do is to just listen and He will do the rest.  Trust God in the process.

I finished reading a book called, ‘Sacred Siblings: Valuing One Another For the Great

Commission’ by Sue Eenigenburg and Suzy Grumelot.  These ladies did a big study on how men and women and their marital status affects team life and those expectations.  What I learned and loved is the concept of sacred siblings.  It reminded me of my life since childhood of all the different older couples who became our adopted grandparents each place we lived.  All these years living overseas how God has given me a spiritual family everywhere I lived when I was not near my own family.  Not only do we have our biological family, but we also have our spiritual family.  Do you have a kingdom mindset when it comes to your family?

What is coming up?  I have a number of individual care sessions, a debrief with teen third culture kids, a debrief with an individual, developing some training material, and helping an organization in developing member care for their staff.

I wrote and sent a proposal to my friend, Marlon who serves with BCM Peru.  Marlon shared he would be presenting it to his leadership soon.  The missionaries of BCM Peru recently lost a beloved leader to COVID. Hopefully, within the next few weeks I will hear back if BCM Peru as an organization are interested in receiving member care services or possibly each family will decide if they are interested to receive care.


Thank you for those who have given so generously and have joined this partnership!  My goal is to raise at least $25,000 for this coming year 2021.  This will help to cover living and ministry expenses so to reach my goal I still need to raise around $3,000.  As you give, prayerfully consider the “monthly option”-

Donate Online!

Mail Checks:

World Outreach Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box B

Marietta, GA  30061

(Make checks out to WOM, in memo Shannon Eaton #783)

Bill Pay: free option via online bank

(Use same information as checks)


Praise the Lord for the snow! 

Praise the Lord for fun going sled riding!

Praise the Lord for family visiting me! 

Praise the Lord for my health as my right leg is getting stronger! 

Praise the Lord for being able to attend the Thrive Gather Women’s Conference!

Pray for my finances. I still need to raise $3,000 to reach my goal $25,000 for year 2021.

Pray for community, friendships.

Pray for church community.

Pray for wisdom as I meet with people.

Pray for the 11 missionary families with BCM Peru as the mourn the loss of a beloved leader.

“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, 

growing in every way more and more like Christ, 

who is the head of his body, the church.  

He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. 

As each part does its own special work, 

it helps the other parts grow, 

so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

Ephesians 4:15-16

Contact Information:

Shannon Eaton

5055 Stacey Drive Apt. 1604

Harrisburg, PA  17111




Facebook:  Shannon R. Eaton




  1. What a blessing you are. We continue to pray for you. Thank you for your updates.


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