When I was told about this Women's retreat I had mixed feelings. One feeling was that I was not looking forward to being at the beach. One feeling was that I was excited about being with my fellow missionary women and getting to know them more. What a paradox...But before I go on to share about the weekend I did have a really good time of fellowship, study, and relaxation.
I was asked if I could drive which I didn't mind as long as I either had directions or someone could tell me where to go since I had never been there. It was a beautiful drive across the mountains even though it took all my concentration to miss the many, many potholes and to slow down for the speed bumps. Plus just making the drive up and over the mountain as smooth as possible for those who get very car sick. Thankfully we didn't have any problems. Also very thankful that the van did not overheat and no flat tires. We arrived safe and sound.
Leslie had us divided into rooms by early-to-bed or night owls. My room was called Sleeping Beauty which I shared with three other women. The beach house is privately owned by the Park family who donated the money to build our Park Care Center in Caraballo. It is a beautiful house and right on the beach. The six women who hosted and led this retreat for us are from the Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church in California. They made dinner for us and we ate outside by candle light and listening to the waves crashing.
The theme of the weekend is Living By The Spirit's Power: BE with Jesus, LEARN from Jesus, BECOME like Jesus, SENT OUT by Jesus to do His WORK in His way.
Our first session was living among different personalities. We did a personality test by John Trent and Gary Smalley which is based on different animals: the Lion, the Otter, the Beaver, and the Golden Retriever. It was quite fascinating to see where we all lined up because it does give you insight into how that person thinks and acts. I am a Golden Retriever (compliant and feeling) with a Beaver pretty close (compliant and logical). If you are interested in taking the self-test let me know and I will get it to you. Kim and Patti then had us divide into pairs (a long-termer with a short-termer). We were to serve one another by giving a foot and hand massage and as we did to share with one another a time we walked through the desert, a time we had a lot of growth in our walk with Jesus, and where we are now. My partner was Kelsey and it was great to get to know her more. What a blessing she.
Saturday morning I got up early enough to see the sunrise over the ocean. It was beautiful and spent some quiet time with Jesus in this beautiful setting was very relaxing to me. Our morning session was living in conversation. Patti and Kim had us spend some quiet time reading an excerpt from a book called "The Exercies Volume 1: Conversations" by Brian Rice. We read chapter 113 Learning to be With Jesus. It had reflection questions throughout the reading. Some of my take aways from the reading was that Jesus invited his disciples into a relationship with him. They were invited to be with him on a journey. The disciples had learning experiences that occurred in context, in various situations and environments. This type of learning positions the disciples to become like Jesus which will transform their lives. The work of Jesus is to reproduce his own missional energies in the lives of his followers---that he might send them out to do the same loving, sacrificial service Jesus was sent to do. It all starts with a relational encounter. Who is God calling me to invite and mentor or disciple to be more like Jesus? Later we divided into three small groups to discuss the reflection questions together, our take aways and to pray for one another.
Saturday afternoon we had free time which the majority of course went to the beach to enjoy. I talked with some who stayed at the house and then later read a book which was very restful. Those who were interested were shown the concept of "Take it to the Cross." A tool to help with conflict management. Several role played some of their issues which for me was very interesting to hear their struggles.
Saturday evening session was living in discipleship. They shared about four different shapes and what they represented. The first, the semi-circle which shows living in rhythm with life through abiding in rest and in work. Second, the learning circle which is seeing spiritual breakthrough through repenting and believing. Third, the triangle which is living a balanced life through deeper relationships. Fourth, the hexagon which is learning the art of true prayer--praying as Jesus taught (the Lord's Prayer). We divided into our small groups again to reflect with one another about these different approaches to discipleship and to pray with one another.
Sunday morning, I again was up early enough to see the sun rise again over the ocean. It was quite different from Saturday morning but just as beautiful. Our morning sessions was on living as a Peacemaker which are the principles from Peacemaker Ministries and the Peacemaker book by Ken Sande. We divided once more into our small groups to talk over the different principles and how we handle conflict and to pray for one another. We came back together as a group and had communion together.
We had a surprise bridal shower for Kelsey who is getting married in April. She was completely surprised. We played a game, had a time of blessing and words of wisdom, ate delicious cupcakes, opened gifts, and prayed over Kelsey.
Packed, had a quick lunch, and said our good-byes before heading back over the mountain to Jarabacoa. The trip back went well and we all made it back safe and sound. It was a wonderful weekend. I am very thankful for being a part of it. Thankful for all the work that went into doing it. Thankful for the six women to host us and lead us in this time of retreat. Thankful for the opportunity to get to know these women more. An amazing group of ladies.
Saturday morning sunrise |
Group session |
Kim leading us in session |
Sunday morning sunrise |
Bakery designing Kelsey's cake |
The bride-to-be---Kelsey!!! |
Bakery making Kelsey's cake |
K-Kelsey & L-Luimi |
The winner!!!! |
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