Intense. Challenging. Hard. Nerve-racking. Anxious. Soo worth it. These are just some words that describe the four days of training I had from Peacemaker Ministries. I had two days of conflict coaching and two days of mediation training but prior to the training I had to read the book, The Peacemaker by Ken Sande and do about 18 hours of homework. I really did not know what to expect and I was really nervous about the whole role playing aspect even though I knew that part of the training is what would help me learn the most in applying the principles. Let me just give you an overview of how these four days looked like. The first day of conflict coaching we sat at tables with three other people. Our instructors taught us a principle, we would watch a clip of how it was applied and then it was our turn to role play with our assigned partners. One of us would be the coach while the other role played the part of...
Caring for the well-being of people as a Christian Life Coach and a Member Care Caregiver.