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Let the little children come to me...

What would our world be like without children?  Children make us smile, laugh, cry, hopeful, thankful, compassionate, and so much more.  Many adults say that children say the darnest things or the cutest things.  Yet it shows their perspective on life is simplistic even though they are in a continual state of learning. Children are a gift from God...(Psalm 127:3) I love getting down on the floor with my nieces and nephews and any other children to play and have fun with them.  Being down on their level, allows me to see things from a different point-of-view.  It also allows me to connect with them like no other.  It shows them that I am interested in them and what they are doing.  Besides receiving hugs and kisses, my favorite thing is to hear a child pray to God.  Their simplistic faith sometimes amazes me. These past couple of weeks God has given me the opportunity to share with different groups of kids about Jesus' love for them as well ...

Power of Prayer

These past couple of months I have been reading a book called, "The God Ask" by Steve Shadrack.  It is a new requirement that Kids Alive has all their new missionary candidates read to prepare, teach, equip, and practical help in raising personal support.  By the way it is a really great book and easy to read for missionaries, new or experienced as well as churches, mission committees and those who support missionaries in understanding some biblical truths and perspectives in regards to support raising.  The Holy Spirit has convicted me in several different areas of my life through reading this book. The first conviction was actually how little time I had ever spent in prayer in regards to raising support.  Yes I did pray that God would supply my needs.  I thanked Him when He did supply and even more so than what I could have imagined.  I would pray when I would have a speaking engagement or sharing individually.  But I have to honestly admit that I ...

Wintery Seasons...

Some may think I'm crazy.  Some may agree with me.  Some may be sitting on the fence.  I have really loved being back in the states during this winter season.  Even though they are saying it has been a mild winter, I have enjoyed it immensely.  I love the snow.  I always loved playing out in the snow, making snowmen, snow forts, having snowball fights, and sled riding.  I love the beauty that snow creates over a barren landscape.  I love how it clings to the bare tree limbs, on the evergreen trees, the ice cycles hanging off the buildings.  How it creates peacefulness in my soul. I was driving last Sunday to Sheakleyville Church of the Nazarene which all weekend long it had been snowing.  But this morning the sun was out with blue skies and as I looked around me I saw beauty everywhere.  One beauty that really caught my eye was some brush alongside the road.  It was covered in ice and the sun was shining through it and made i...