Why is caring for the well-being of those in ministry so important? Imagine what the trajectory of the church would be if the pastor’s well-being deteriorated to the point of unhealth. Imagine w hat the trajectory of missions would be if the missionary ‘s well-being deteriorated to the point of unhealth? Here are statistics from a new Barna poll on pastors. In 2015, 72% of pastors said they felt “very satisfied” with their job as pastors. In late 2022, just 52% of pastors were “very satisfied with their jobs.” This is a 20% drop in just seven years. Carey Nieuwhof states in his blog titled '5 Shocking Realities About the Real Estate of Pastor Burnout' , " The health of a leader impacts the health of a church or an organization, we’ll see a ripple effect of pastoral exhaustion that could damage churches for years to come ." In the spring of 2023, Field Partner International did a study of missionaries to gain insight into cu...
Caring for the well-being of people as a Christian Life Coach and a Member Care Caregiver.