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January Newsletter

SHANNON’S CORNER January 2020 Seasons. They are parts of our life where transition or change is happening.  In Ecclesiastics chapter three King Solomon talks about seasons in life.  They are the cycles of life we all go through. When I think of Peru and the ministry that I got to be a part of and the friendships I made, I think of it like “a first love.”  When I left is was bittersweet and not knowing if or when I’d ever get to go back made leaving even harder.  But God is good.  He knows the desires of our hearts and my desire was to be able to visit Peru.  God was faithful to me by giving me the opportunity to visit Kids Alive Peru.   I knew in my head and prepared my heart that going back to Peru would not be the same as when I had lived there.  God showed me his kindness and goodness by allowing me to travel with three ladies from Safe Place Ministry so I would not be alone on my firs...

December Newsletter

SHANNON’S CORNER December 2019 Merry Christmas!    What a wonderful time of year to take time to remember what our Father did for us in sending his Son as a precious gift for each one of us.  I am participating in a bible study on the book of Revelations which has given me a new perspective during the advent-Christmas season.  Advent is a time to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming birth of Jesus.  As a believer who has already accepted God’s precious Christmas gift…Jesus as my Lord and Savior, now it is preparing and anticipating Jesus’ second coming. Remember what Jesus tells his disciples regarding him going to prepare a place for you in John 14:2?  In the Jewish wedding ceremony, it is the father of the groom who looks for a bride for his son, such as Abraham sending his servant to find a wife for Isaac.  Negotiations take place between the two families and a bride price is paid and a covenant is m...

November Newsletter

SHANNON’S CORNER November 2019 Who are you?  Who am I?  It may seem like a strange to ask, yet do we really truly know who we are?  I would have answered this question by saying I am a missionary or Pastor Jim’s daughter or a nurse or the three Eaton girls’ sister.  It wouldn’t be until further down the list that I would say I am a follower of Jesus Christ.  In our society today, identity is so confusing of knowing who we are.  God has been teaching me about my true and authentic identity which is only found in Him.  This summer at Cherry Run Camp, our missionaries challenged us about being followers of Jesus Christ.  I saw the movie, ‘Overcomer’ by the Kendricks’ brothers which also talked about our identity in Christ.  My women’s Bible study is studying Priscilla Shirer’s book, “Fervent” which one chapter talks about our identity.  If someone were to ask me, ‘Who is Shanno...