On the evening of February 25th to the evening of February 26th, I hosted our first debrief retreat for our first-term missionaries. There are nine adults who fit into this category of a first-termer. If you do not know what a first-termer is then let me explain it. A missionary signs a contract or covenant to serve in a capacity for one year, two years or a three year term initially with an organization prior to becoming a long-term missionary. This idea for a debrief retreat was birthed at the Missio Nexus Conference I attended last fall in the workshop called, The Crucible for the First-Term. The guest speaker near the end of her presentation shared how it would help support and encourage the first-term missionaries to have a debrief time set aside during that first-term. Having various missionaries at various stages in the first-term is also healthy for them to share with others struggling in the first-term what they have learned. My hope and prayer...
Caring for the well-being of people as a Christian Life Coach and a Member Care Caregiver.