SHANNON’S CORNER Happy New Year! Starting off this new year I am taking a 20-day member care class called, Focused Leader . The instructor is having us develop a biblical purpose statement that reflects our being in why God created us versus our doing. The DOING can end at any time, but the BEING will not end. In Jeremiah 1:5 God already had a plan for Jeremiah’s life before Jeremiah was in his mother’s womb and set him apart before he was even born. In Psalm 139, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and God has ordained all our days before one came to be. God uses all things – people and experiences, to form and shape us towards His purposes which He continues to develop and transform us over our lifetime (Rom. 8:28). Looking at the photo to the right, which direction does he row towards? He looks into his past to find orientation and direction for his future. Many of us make goals for the new year. ...
Caring for the well-being of people as a Christian Life Coach and a Member Care Caregiver.