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The Valley of Dry Bones

   SHANNON’S CORNER July 2021 I remember the many times of touring the Franciscan Monastery in Lima, Peru, seeing the beautiful artwork and cathedral.  One part of the tour is to go down into the catacombs.  As you walk down you get this damp, musty smell that greets you.  The lighting is very dim, and it is pretty solemn.  As the guide is sharing about the history of the catacombs you are walking in between rows of dry bones that go three to four feet deep.  Most of the bones seem to be from the arms and legs.  Then you walk over to this big well-like or cistern like object and look over the edge and it is filled with skulls.  I know that this was their cemetery but it just felt so strange to walk among so many bones and I know that what we saw were not all the bones that were there in the catacombs just what was on display for tourists to see. When I read the passage in Ezekiel 37:1-14, God leads Ezekiel t...

Equipping The Saints

  SHANNON’S CORNER May-June 2021 Equipping my fellow believers and workers this past month has been one of my joys and highlights.  These trainings give knowledge and practical tools for them to be empowered and resources available for them as they serve on the front lines.  The end of May, I presented member care foundation class with three missionary families who serve with BCM Peru.  Talking through scripture together through the lens of member care and through the lens of a different culture context that I too learned and received great insight as well.  One of the missionary couples, Ricardo and Karina are preparing for the arrival of their firstborn son.  Please keep them in your prayers . I did a webinar training on medical agility when serving overseas.  Starting with a holistic approach but then focusing more on the physical aspect of our health and how to prepare before going overseas, some practical tips when se...

El Roi

 “And he said, “Hagar, servant of Sarai,  where have you come from,  and where are you going?” Genesis 16:8 April 2021 Celebrating my one-year anniversary!  Can you believe it has been a year now since I came back to the states due to the pandemic?  I find it hard to believe that a year has passed already.  Very thankful for all of you in the ways that you have supported me during this past year.  When I heard God tell me at the Women’s Retreat in January 2020 about living once again in the U.S. to do life with my Family, I wasn’t quite sure how or what that would look like.  But what an adventure it has been so far! I am so grateful for all the fun, laughter, and good quality time I received this past month with my family.  I spent Easter weekend in Grove City with Dad and Maureen.  What a blessing to be able to celebrate Good Friday, hearing Dad give the message and going to an Easter Sunrise Service ...