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Showing posts from April, 2021

El Roi

 “And he said, “Hagar, servant of Sarai,  where have you come from,  and where are you going?” Genesis 16:8 April 2021 Celebrating my one-year anniversary!  Can you believe it has been a year now since I came back to the states due to the pandemic?  I find it hard to believe that a year has passed already.  Very thankful for all of you in the ways that you have supported me during this past year.  When I heard God tell me at the Women’s Retreat in January 2020 about living once again in the U.S. to do life with my Family, I wasn’t quite sure how or what that would look like.  But what an adventure it has been so far! I am so grateful for all the fun, laughter, and good quality time I received this past month with my family.  I spent Easter weekend in Grove City with Dad and Maureen.  What a blessing to be able to celebrate Good Friday, hearing Dad give the message and going to an Easter Sunrise Service ...