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Showing posts from October, 2018

October Newsletter

SHANNON’S CORNER October 2018 Recently, I have been reminded of a book I read about two years ago called, “Peace Child” by Don Richardson.  The book is about a missionary family who served a cannibalism tribe.  The missionary wanted to share with them who Jesus is but did not know the tribe’s language.  At one point during the missionary’s time with the tribe God shows him a way to be able to share with the tribe who Jesus is in a way that the tribe would understand.  The tribes would be constantly at war with one another until there came a point when the warring tribes would present one another a peace child.  The peace child was the youngest child of the tribe that would be given to the other tribe to take care  of the child.     Both tribes would exchange a peace child as an offering of peace.     As long as the child lived there would be peace between the tribes.     But if the child d...