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Happy New Year 2023!

  SHANNON’S CORNER Happy New Year! Starting off this new year I am taking a 20-day member care class called,  Focused Leader . The instructor is having us develop a biblical purpose statement that reflects our being in why God created us versus our doing.  The DOING can end at any time, but the BEING will not end.  In Jeremiah 1:5 God already had a plan for Jeremiah’s life before Jeremiah was in his mother’s womb and set him apart before he was even born.  In Psalm 139, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and God has ordained all our days before one came to be.  God uses all things – people and experiences, to form and shape us towards His purposes which He continues to develop and transform us over our lifetime (Rom. 8:28). Looking at the photo to the right, which direction does he row towards?   He looks into his past to find orientation and direction for his future.  Many of us make goals for the new year. ...

Feliz Navidad!

  SHANNON’S CORNER Merry Christmas! As I have been preparing my heart, mind, and body for this advent season I have been studying two hymns, “ Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus ” and “ O Come, O Come Emmanuel . ” How interesting that our prayers today often sound just like that of Israel’s in wait of a savior, ‘ How long O’ Lord? ’  The paradox of this prayer is that it seems a cry of despair, and it is an age-old prayer of hope.  In the paradox of waiting for His birth, Jesus meets us in the wonder, silence, traditions, service, and grief of the season.  How is Jesus meeting you in this Christmas/Advent season?   I enjoyed the road trip I made with Bethann as we traveled to New Castle, PA to do a three-hour training for those folks who serve at City Rescue Mission.  Connecting with these folks, hearing some of their stories, and even meeting some who know my family, a cousin and my aunt was wonderful.  Plus getting to spend time ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

   SHANNON’S CORNER Tis the season of gratitude and thanksgiving. I have so much that I am grateful for that could fill up pages so I will just share from this past month what I am grateful.   My family.   I am thankful for each one and how they have impacted my life this year in one way or another.  Even with our differences that we love and care for one another.  It was great to celebrate Thanksgiving together and share with one another what we have been grateful for over this past year.  Also, loved playing four-square with the nieces and nephews and spicey Uno with the older nieces and adults. My global church family – the body of Christ.   God using you to chip away my hard edges that I have grown and matured in my spiritual walk and have been challenged by you all, my fellow brothers, and sisters in Christ.  I have been encouraged, strengthened, and refreshed by you.  Your prayers on my behalf as ...