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Equipping the Saints...

  SHANNON’S CORNER October 2021 Walking in the brisk coolness of the morning, listening to the birds sing, the wind blowing through the trees, the water babbling, and the sun rising over the mountains creation in its beauty is praising our Creator God and I get to not only hear and see but also participate in worship.  Mark, Bethann and I had the privilege of facilitating a time of retreat with around 30 gap year students and four staff members of OneLife.  As a way of introductions, the students shared a photo that they had chosen that represented their definition of wisdom.  Most of what these students shared amazed me of how they articulated things and the maturity as they shared why they chose that photo in regard to wisdom.  The theme was Wisdom Received and Wisdom Achieved as we walked through creation – the fall – redemption – new creation.  Some amazing discussion during class, around meals and the campfire chats. ...

You know you are a Third Culture Kid when...

  SHANNON’S CORNER September 2021 You know you are a Third Culture Kid when…Your life story uses the phrase “Then we moved to…” three (or four, or five…) times. You know you are a Third Culture Kid when…You can’t answer the question:  “Where are you from?” TCK Identity I had the privilege of working with seven precious kids and teens, ages ranging from three to sixteen.  I was honored that they opened up their “heart packs” to me as we processed through their experiences and how it impacted their lives and the feelings attached with them.  Each one had a story to share about their experience of living overseas and returning to the states.   We did many activities and art projects to help elicit their story so that they could process their emotions.  One activity that all the kids and teens enjoyed was a journey through grief.  They had a map of where they were on reality mountain and had to get to springs of new normal but had ...

Bubbles Up

  SHANNON’S CORNER August 2021 As I reflect over this month to write this newsletter, one thing keeps bubbling up.  God nudging me out of my comfort zone, which has gotten a little wider since starting this mission journey back in 2004 when he first called me into full-time missions.  I feel God has been nudging me around equipping by producing more content regarding member care.  I have been producing content throughout the years, health education and Bible studies and more recently in developing some trainings for Safe Place Ministry and for BCM Peru.  In some of my conversations with Safe Place, I have received the opportunity to create and write content for a member care manual that would help in equipping missionaries and member care providers.  Safe Place Ministry would help to edit what I write and produce the manuals that would be sold on their website.  Safe Place Ministry is interested in developing webinettes (6...