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Camp World

Cherry Run Camp... Amazing.  Powerful.  Uplifting.  Challenging.  Encouraging.  Delightful.  Tiring - good tired. Some words used to describe my time here at Cherry Run Camp.  I was so very excited and looking forward to my time this summer at Cherry Run and I was not disappointed or let down.  I knew one of the evangelist, Lane Loman, who would be preaching but our second evangelist, Stan Keys was dynamite.  Let me share with you the happenings of Cherry Run from my perspective. I arrived on the camp grounds on Saturday afternoon and unloaded my things from the car into my family's cabin  (aka - Eaton Hotel).  This is a huge change for me in that my family added on four bedrooms and a bathroom.  Allowing for each family unit (6 total) to have their own bedroom and two families shared a bathroom.  I greeted some of my Cherry Run family as I set up the missionary table in the tabernacle.  During the evening servi...

July Newsletter

SHANNON’S CORNER July 2017 It’s hard to believe that Cherry Run Camp is almost here!!!  Looking forward to seeing so many of you.  The famous chorus we sing, “Come and Dine the Master’s Calling,” is the Master calling you to come and feast at his table?  He is calling me to come and to be fed, to be renewed and refreshed this summer at camp.  Looking forward to the feast I will receive from my Master’s table.  Will you join me? Our summer program is coming to a close here in the Dominican Republic and the kids in our homes will be going on vacation as well as our house parents and staff.  The word vacation brings many images, words, tastes, and smells to mind but yet it is a time to relax and rejuvenate for what lies ahead and a time to reflect back on where you were.  Summer reflections.  Getting to know our summer interns.  Hearing their testimonies.  Hearing their highlights...

May-June Newsletter

SHANNON’S CORNER May/June 2017 I want to personally invite you to come to Cherry Run Camp July 29 th -Aug. 6 th .   I will be the resident missionary this summer at camp and Aug. 3 rd is Cherry Run Mission Day.   I would love to see as many of you as possible throughout the week to catch up with what is going on with you.   Thanks so much for your support! Monte Plata Team T ransition.  A word that is not always a welcome process, yet, is a journey worth taking.  How do you navigate life’s transitions?  Many times our default strategies aren’t always sufficient to get us through the challenges.  Instead of racing as fast as you can to get to the other side, maybe, just maybe, God has custom designed this transition for your own personal and spiritual growth.  Transitions can be a time of confusion.  Walking aimlessly.   It can be a time to recalibrate our lives – resilient an...