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Re-entry means many different things for each one of us.  It also affects each one of us differently.  There can be many times where someone comes back to the states and is not at all bothered by re-entry and then for some reason this time re-entry hit hard and ugly.  If you don't know what re-entry is let me define it as making adjustments from living life overseas back to life at home (passport country).  Adjusting your expectations that are both conscious and unconscious with family, friends, and fellow countrymen.  Going through reverse cultural shock in that when living overseas you adjust to learn how to live in another culture so when coming back home (passport country) it's readjusting to how your home-culture lives. I was looking forward to spending time with all my family for our Christmas celebration and as I wanted to help, my sister asked to me get her some things from the grocery store.  I said no problem.  When I arrived at Giant and s...